New Line Records/Warner, dec 2002
1. Adventure
2. Telling Ndugu About the Family
3. About Schmidt
4. Schmidt Went to Denver
5. Randall's Room
6. Guiltily Escaping the Rusks
7. Helen Goes; Schmidt Stays
8. Of Life After Helen
9. Fury of Schmidt
10. Shopping With Schmidt
11. Missing Helen
12. Riverside Prayer
13. Dinner With Randall's Relatives
14. Schmidt Revisited His Alma Mater
15. Schmidt at the Wedding
16. Omaha Return
17. Ndugu's Painting
18. What I Really Wanted to Say
19. End Credits of About Schmidt
20. Constantine and Warren
21. Afrikaan Beat-Bert Kaemphert [*]
22. Ndugu Letter [*]
23. Interview With Alexander and Rolfe [*]
Jó, ez nem Jon Brion. Ez "csak egy filmzene", egy kedves filmemnek a zenéje. És a végén, bónuszként, Jack Nicholson felolvassa Ndugunak írt levelét.