1.Drumming - Part I
3.Music for 18 Musicians
performed by
-Steve Reich
-UMZE Chamber Orchestra
-Amadinda Percussion Group
-Ildikó Fodor, Ida Szabó, Krisztina Jónás, Zsuzsanna Lukin, Katalin Károlyi
see the smiling faces and feel that same shiny feeling you've been hunting since a long time. and repeat it. repeat. repeat.
Steve Reich - Music for 18 Musicians *****
performed by Amadinda & Musicians
recorded live on 18 May, 1990
Hungaroton, 2003
"The performance is so astoundingly good and played with such amazing energy, that one is simply swept along. I am particulary grateful to the Amadinda Quartet and all the other marvelous Hungarian players on this recording of Music for 18 Musicians Live. You fulfilled my dreams"